"Rhizomes of Insanity" French Tour

The "Rhizomes of Insanity" Tour starts next Friday! Who's coming to one of these shows?
Apr. 19th: Le Gueulard Plus - Nilvange
Apr. 20th: Asylum Metal Fest - Limours
Apr. 23rd: Le Petit Bain - Paris*
Apr. 24th: Le Chabada - Angers*
Apr. 25th: La Cave à Rock - Toulouse
Apr. 29th: Rock'n Eat - Lyon
Apr. 30th: Noumatrouff - Mulhouse*
July 6th: CC John Lennon - Limoges**
July 27th: Met' Farm Festival - Distroff
*w/ The Black Dahlia Murder & Virvum **w/ Cannibal Corpse & Napalm Death
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